Imagine how horrible it would be to be in the Maldives enjoying the turquoise waters when your home emergency phone rings out of nowhere. It will be terrifying! Remember, when going on vacations, it’s not only essential to keep your necessary things in the bag. But it is also very crucial to protect your house from any sudden emergency that pulls you back before your vacation ends. Let’s walk into some essential precautions when choosing a home safe Dubai from Argus Security.
Keep an Eye
Not everyone, but yes, a trusted family member or your close friend will work here. Once you leave, ask your friend to look after the house when it is empty. Check the window, door locks, and gates thoroughly. Also, look for the plants or water them if needed. The presence of worms or ants can also be checked properly.
Put Monitored Security Buttons
Whether living in the same city or moving to another, always set a monitored system in the house. Once the thieves or a stranger enters your home, it will turn on an alarm. It will automatically alert the nearby people or the neighbors. This aids in scaring off thieves, and they will leave the house immediately.
Hide the Ladder and Tools
While packing your clothes, remember to lock all the hardware tools in the house. Never leave any harmful device or a ladder outside the home. The ladder eases the people to climb into the house. However, there are multi-purpose tools that will easily allow thieves to open the window and enter the home quickly.
Avoid Updating Your Plan on Social Media
Yes, we all forget that social media is in the access to almost everyone nowadays. Not every other person who is on social media is loyal to us. Although we are excited to post our pictures and check in on things on social media, we need to remember the eyes that track our details. It is an open invitation to all the thieves or suspicious persons entering our home in our absence.
Hide Your Valuables
Before leaving your house, lock up everything necessary, like a prize bond, expensive jewelry, and other cash. Unfortunately, if someone jumps into the house, he will fail to unlock your valuables.
Wrapping Up
We have a rich mind about how you will protect your home while on vacation. Look for one of the best Argus Security systems for some crucial precautions.

Soccer lover, tattoo addict, music blogger, Bauhaus fan and fullstack designer. Operating at the crossroads of design and intellectual purity to save the world from bad design. Check me out on Dribbble or Medium.